Unleash Your Athletic Potential

Archive for March 3, 2012

1. Beginner (Level 1) WOD for Sun Mar 4th

For 5 rounds: Side planks 10 seconds, deadlift a 20-30 lb household item, 10 lunges both sides.


2. Kinda Hardcore (Level 2) WOD for Sun Mar 4th

For 10 rounds: Side planks 20 seconds, deadlift 50 lbs for 10, 20 lunges both sides.

3. Straight-Up Hardcore (Level 3) WOD for Sun Mar 4th

50 dips, 25 weghted pull ups 50#, 50 deadlifts with 225/135#.


4. Extremely Hardcore (Level 4) WOD for Sun Mar 4th

50 dips, 25 weghted pull ups 50#, 50 deadlifts with 225/135#, 50 push ups, 20 handstand pushups for time.